- siggraph-2012-links - lots of links for SIGGRAPH 2012
- advanced-visual-effects-with-direct3d-11 - Advanced Visual Effects with DX11
- in-programming-one-is-the-loneliest-number - from Coding Horror. Interesting post about being a alone programmer. For those who want to work alone from home especially :)
- http://www.holub.com/index.html - home page of Allen Holub
- UML reference
- patterns book - page for the "Hollub on Patterns"
- http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/srikumar_rao_plug_into_your_hard_wired_happiness.html - short talk that gives important question about your happiness. This is not related to programming directly, but can influence the style of work...
- actions are under your control, the results are not. So why you define your happiness by the results?
- invest in the process not in the outcome
Interesting links