Since the beginning of January I got a chance to play with a nice tool that’s called Deleaker. Its main role, as can be easily decoded, is to find leaks in your native applications. I often had problems with creating and maintaing custom code that tracks leaks, so Deleaker seems to be a huge relief in that situations.
Let’s see how it works and how can it help with native app development.
Promotional note This review is sponsored. Still, opinions expressed here are my own.
Basic product information:
feature | description |
supported Visual Studio | 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013. VS2015 shouldn’t be a problem as well. |
Type | Can be used as an extension in Visual Studio or as a standalone application. |
Native/Managed | Tracks leaks only in Native (C/C++) apps |
Leak types | Memory (new/delete, malloc…), GDI objects, User32 objects, Handles, File views, Fibres, Critical Sections, and even more. |
Other | Gathers full call stack, ability to take snapshots, compare them, view source files related to an allocation. |
Below there is a screenshot from the official site:
It’s quite simple: you have a list of resource allocations, with source file, module, leak type, etc. You can click on selected allocation and then you will see its call stack. Eventually you can double click on a call stack entry and go to a particular line of code that is responsible for the allocation.
How it works?
Basically, Deleaker hooks into every possible resource allocation function - like HeapAlloc
, CreateFile
, CreatePen
, etc. and into its counterparts like HeapFree
, CloseHandle
, DeleteObject
, etc.
Every time your app performs an allocation stack trace is being saved. While application is running you can get a list of all allocations. When the app is closed Deleaker reports leaks that were not released to the system.
Simple example: when you write
int *tab = new int[10];
Deleaker will store information about this particular memory allocation. When, at some point in the code, you use delete [] tab;
then Deleaker will record this as a proper memory deallocation - no leak will be reported.
Let’s now test some code with Deleaker and then you will be able to see the tool in action.
Basic Test
I’ve opened solution github/fenbf/GLSamples from my previous OpenGL sample. Then, I enabled Deleaker and simply run it in Debug Mode.
While the app was running I pressed “Take snapshot” (on the Deleaker toolbar) and I got the following list of allocations:
As we can see there is a whole range of small allocations (made by std and crt library) and two large allocations made explicitly by the app.
The first buffer (stored in std::unique_ptr
) is used to hold original positions for triangles.
The second buffer (allocated using new []
) stores temporary data that is computed every frame and then send to GPU.
You can click on the particular allocation and see its stack trace.
Then, I closed the application using “X” button. At the end another ‘snapshot’ is automatically saved that shows leaks.
On the list showed above, there is one interesting allocation that was not released. I simply forgot to use delete [] gVertexBufferData
!! The first buffer (for triangles) was properly deleted, because I used smart pointer there. But the second buffer needs to be deleted explicitly.
After looking at this problem more closely I figured out that that buffer is destroyed when I press ESC key (in Quit function), but not when I use “X” window button (Quit function is not called in that case).
So I could fix that by adding:
And ensuring that my cleanup function will be called at any condition.
More Leak Types
Of course, memory allocations are not the main things that can leak. Deleaker can track various system handles as well. Here is a dump from a popular app found at codeproject:
Snapshot while the app is running:
Here we can see HPEN
objects that were used by the application.
Deleaker looks for functions like CreatePen
or CreateSolidBrush
After using Deleaker, I think, I can highly recommend this tool. In a few seconds you can get detailed reports from any kind of your native apps. All you have to do is to analyse it and fix issues.
It’s great to have a separate tool rather than custom code that might or not work. Of course, It’s possible to write such solution on your own. Still, I haven’t seen many projects that do such tracking well. Additionally, if you change a project you have to spent additional time to ‘copy’ (and adapt) that leak-test code from other projects.
Other good solutions like VLD are very helpful (and free), but it can only track memory allocations.
Deleaker hooks into almost every possible resource allocation function so it can track a lot more issues.
- User Interface that is very easy to learn.
- Works as Visual Studio extension window and as a standalone app.
- Finds lots of leak types (not only new/delete…)
- Useful for legacy application, MFC, win32, etc…
- Ability to take snapshots and compare allocations
- Full or compressed stack view,
- Easy to move to a problematic line of code
- Fast response from the support!
- Sometimes you need to filter out leaks that comes not directly from your app: like CRT, std or even MFC.
- It would be nice to have a public list of leaks that were reported and looks strange. That way if you are not sure about your leak you could see if that was already reported.
- Buy Deleaker - with 30 day money back guarantee
- Deleaker official tutorial